Monday, October 27, 2008

Yet more proof about how Obama will destroy us

I was going to try and go the whole week without any political blogs, but then I heard this. This is scary my friends. If you Obama supporters think that what your candidate said to Joe the Plumber wasn't exactly how this man thinks, I have a feeling that you will not be bothered by this video. You might also say that this is politics of old, and how we need to look to the future. But anytime I hear someone say these type of things, it worries me. When I hear someone talk about how the constitution needs to be reinterpreted, it worries me. I just hope that America will wake up and see what this guy really is. After all, we can only find out what is in store for us by looking at a presidential candidates' past. From what I have seen, Barry's past isn't all sunshine and flowers, unless the sunshine is blotted out with storm clouds, and the flowers have been stomped on and are wilting.

Oh yes, one more thing. Do you wonder why you never see Obama/Biden asked any tough questions? It is because when they are, they shut down the people who are asking them. Read about it here.


SuzanSayz said...

This should make you happy Donald.
I am 100 percent for sure NOT going to vote for Obamanation. I'm pretty sure he's going to win of course. How else can the prophecy,"The Constitiution shall hang by a thread" ever come about.

SuzanSayz said...

PS did you read Nicole's latest blog post? She has an excellent one panel comic that if you haven't already seen it you will love.

Lisa Christine said...


Had you already made up your mind to NOT vote for Obama?? Or did this latest bit on Donald's blog sway you??

Thanks for keeping everyone informed Donald. You are definately doing your part to 'try' to save America. I am proud of you and I love you. Always.

OK...I am off to get Alexandra now.

SuzanSayz said...

Lisa, The Boy has actually convinced me that voting for O would be a tragic mistake. Unfortunately I'm pretty sure that it doesn't matter because our state is so liberal that they don't even bother campaigning here. But who knows?

My Three Sons said...

If possible I am even more disturbed than I was 30 minutes ago while listening to Glen Beck. Your Mom makes a good point, maybe this is how "the constitution hanging by a thread" will come about. Makes you wonder if Mitt Romney will have a hand in saving it, eh? Thanks for the post. It's nice to know there are others out there as enraged as myself and my conservative talk radio friends :)