Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Time to get out and vote..finally.

The day is finally here. After the longest campaign for president in our nation's history, the day where it will be settled is here. I filled out my ballot this morning. I was going to do it earlier last week, but I had not decided who I was going to vote for. It came down to two men, (Obama was not one of them. DUH!) and after reading many different articles last night, and doing more research, I finally made my decision.

So be sure to get out and vote. Vote for who you think will be right for this country. Look past the rhetoric of both campaigns. I just hope and pray that when I wake up tomorrow, our national anthem will still be the Star Spangled Banner, and not this:


SuzanSayz said...

Now Donald don't be silly. You know there's no way that even His Majesty and Most Revered Obamawan could affect such changes overnight. I figure something that outragious would take him at least a year. He will probably give in to the demands of the country to declare himself King (The Dear Humble Man that he is) before he would ever dream of taking such Liberties as changing our Revered National Anthem.
You little fear monger you!

Jan said...


Alisa said...

I'm so stinkin' nervous!

Lisa Christine said...

Well...I wish that were funny...but unfortunately it may be the truth....which makes it down right scary!

This is it Donald! It's all happening tonight! Keep your fingers crossed!

SuzanSayz said...

BTW Donald, I just talked to Lisa and I want you to know how proud I am of you to be out attending to Elder's Quorum business instead of glued to FOX News for election results.

Lisa Christine said...

LOL...the music is classic...but I am still awaiting a post...I know it's coming.

Love you!

Jessica said...

That is just plain scary, but the way people were carrying on last night after he won, it's perfectly believable. We voted, now all we can do is pray...