Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Not Even More Cowbell Can Cure This Disease

There is a disease in the Sorenson household. Actually, if I had to compare it to something I would say it is like a case of Herpes. You know, how there is no medication to cure it, and you never know when it might flare up again. Well, this morning it flared up.

Here is what went down. I was running late this morning for work. I didn’t have too much of a sense of urgency to get out there, since I did not have anything pressing to get done until the afternoon. When I did finally get all ready to go, I headed out to the garage, and hopped in my trusty 1996 Honda Accord. This is the car that I have owned for the past 7 years, and I have spent many an hour in it driving back and forth between work and home. It had been, and still is a very good little car for commuting. There is just one teensy weensy feature I wish it had.
It is a feature that our van has. It is one that the average person might not find to be that big of a deal. That is, until they drive a car without said feature, but don’t remember that the car they are driving doesn’t have it. And this is what brings me to what happened last night.

Lisa had to work, and we had been invited to our friends the Shannon’s house for a BBQ/Swim party. Since I can’t fit all three car seats into my car, Lisa took it to work, and I drove the van. Everything sounds hunky dory right? Uh, Wrong!

Now I love my wife. I could not ask for a better one, nor would I want to ask for a better one. She is the apple of my eye, and I will love her for eternity. With that being said, there is something that she does about every 3 months that wreaks havoc on me.

You see, the feature that I am talking about that my car is lacking is the one that automatically turns off your headlights after 15 seconds. I must admit, it is a great feature. Well, if you have a car that does it anyways. But like I already said, my car doesn’t have it. So, Lisa gets home from work, usually around 9:30, and pulls into the garage. She turns off the ignition. She closes the door of the car. And then heads into the house, closing the garage door behind her, and settles in for a night of relaxation with a wonderful and caring husband that has the house already cleaned up and kids off to bed. (OK, 4 out of 5 times the clean house and kids to bed are true. Not too shabby if I do say so myself.)

Then we have the next morning. I roll out of bed, take a shower, get dressed, and get my lunch ready. I go back into our bedroom, kiss Lisa goodbye, and head out to the garage. Before I get in my car I feed the dogs. I then hop in the car, put my key in the ignition……and nothing happens. It is at this exact moment when I find out that Lisa forgot to turn off my headlights, and my battery is so dead that even the automatic door locks don’t work.

If that wasn’t bad enough, I then have to back my car down the driveway in neutral. And since both of our vehicles are Honda’s, the batteries are on the same side. Of course that means I then have to back the van out, flip it to the other side of my car, and get the cables hooked up. I wait the 5 minutes it takes for my car to realize that its version of those shocking paddles they use in the ER are sending voltage their way before the engine springs to life in all its 4 banger glory. After putting the van back in the garage, I am finally ready to start the drive to work. Oh ya, and hope that the latest episode of draining the battery doesn’t kill it off.

So there you have it, my morning routine about every three months or so. If any of you out there in blog land have a cure for this debilitating disease, please pass it along. My cure is to buy a newer Accord with those fancy turning off headlights, but Lisa doesn’t seem too jazzed about my fix.


SuzanSayz said...

Now Donald, You know perfectly well that every three months being inconvienienced is no good reason to take on a new car payment. Plus I do have enough inside information to know that this is just one in a long line of excuses of yours to get a different car. Sorry Son I have to side with Lisa on this one.

Lisa Christine said...

New car...uh, no. I love the fact that the Accord is all paid off and I have NO intentions of having a car payment again.

As for coming home to a clean house with the kids put to bed. 4 out of 5 times, yes the kids are put to bed. That is nice. I just get to peek in at their angelic slumbering faces and give them sweet kisses goodnight. The clean house part...I would give that a 1 out of 5.....2 out of 5 maybe. Please Donald, prove me wrong. This is something I would LOVE to be wrong about. But it seems to me that I usually walk into the house, 9:30ish as mentioned. I then go slip into my comfy jammies and head straight to the kitchen to do the dishes. Then I start picking up the downstairs and if I am ambitious enough I vacuum. Sometimes you will just pop up and start helping. Sometimes I have to put out a semi-polite reminder like "Do you want to help me????". Sometimes I just quietly return the house to order on my own. And SOMETIMES it's all done before I get home. Oh how I love those nights. Walking in and hearing the hum of the dishwasher and seeing the fresh lines of the vacuum on the carpet. I can rest myself from an exhausting (that might be a stretch) night of Hallmark labor.

But that's not really what this was about. Sorry about the car battery...really. Like I said, I even turned around in the parking lot when I got to work to make sure that yes, infact I had turned off those silly headlights. But alas, I am only human.

Amy said...

I think the hardest part of coming home to an occassional clean house is realizing that they CAN do it, they just chose not too all those other times.

Donald, never talk to Jason about jumping batteries. There have been several times that he has come home on his very short lunch break to me telling him that the battery is dead on the van. It's excruciating to watch him push the van off the carport to even it up with his car, etc, etc. Please don't ever get him started!

And trust me, gaining back a car payment after not having one sucks all the fun out of the new car.

libbie said...

Dang.... hate when that happens. But I will side with all the ladies and say NO NEW CAR (Do I really have a say in this? NO, but I can pretend). Its not worth a car payment!

By the way . . . did you guys get my message the other night? Are you guys gonna be able to squeeze us in? Let me know! I invited some other former LIONS, and a couple of BULLDOGS too.

Jan said...

This is funny. The post and the comments. I am all fired up here.

We are all human is right. But the drama of it all is so charming between the two of you love birds.

The Donald said...

I am not surprised that everybody up to this point is with Lisa. But lets forget the last sentence about a new car (or should I say pipe dream)and focus on the dead battery.

~Amy, I sympathize with Jason about the jumping of cars. It isn't bad maybe once a year...its the once a quarter that gets old.

Mike 'n' Cindy Brinkerhoff said...

Man Donald, that sucks... And as someone who just went from no car payment to a nice big fat car payment, I'll say DON'T GET THE NEW ONE OVER A FEATURE LIKE AUTO-SHUTOFF LIGHTS!!!

Our old van had fully automatic headlights. The new van has manual headlights. I don't get this.. it's like there's a grab-bag of nicety features that carmakers randomly put in some models and leave out of others... Like my Sebring has a mirror that automatically dims when truckosaurus is blaring his nuclear vision in my mirror... I love that!! And since it's a 2002 model car, surely our brand new 2008 Grand Caravan would ALSO have this feature... but no... Old fashioned manual mirror.

I'd just say, invest in some longer jumper cables. That's a good bet with no long term payments.

Rachael said...

I hate Herpe-like problems! Kent has a herpe outbreak of "cleaning out" cupboards, and closets every few months. He gets them all nice and organized and then leaves a huge pile of crap that has no place to go. I just want to say "thanks a heap, but that accomplished nothing. At least when the closet was messy we could shut the door." I am constantly telling him he is not helping when he creates another mess. My heart goes out to you and your recent outbreak. At least you know you can have a normal, healthy relationship with out spreading the problem.

Smitty said...

I'm with you on this one ... my ol' Civi didn't have the auto-turnoff feature. I think that feature is more important than power steering, air conditioning, and the radio. I even tried to install an aftermarket fix ...

I'd pile on Lisa, but honestly I ran it out ALMOST as often as Jen.

In the end there was really only one (expensive) solution ...