How many times have you asked yourself that question? About a year ago I was asking myself that. You see, there was this band that came out my senior year in high school called Nada Surf. They had a song called "Popular" that was, well, popular. If you don't recall this song, here is the video to refresh your memory

Remember it now? Of course you do! Well, I bought their CD, High/Low, that this song was on. At first I wasn't too impressed, but then it grew on me. When I worked at Eddie Bauer, I would listen to the song "Ice Box" off of that album over and over again while I would play Mario World on my Gameboy during my 15 minute break. They were one of my favorite bands.
But I never heard of any other CD's they had released. I chalked it up to them being a one hit wonder, and that they had broken up and went about their lives.
Fast forward to 2007. I am watching TV, and a cover of the 80's hit by OMD, "If You Leave" is playing on the show that is on. The voice sounds very familiar, so I hit the Internet to see if I can find it. And to my surprise, it was Nada Surf! Turns out they stayed together, they just never had any more commercial hits.
I discovered that the band I thought had disappeared had actually released 3 other albums:

The Proximity Effect in 1998, (they re-released it 2002 with one different song)

Let Go in 2002,(GREAT Album by the way. I can listen to Let Go over and over again)

The Weight is a Gift came out in 2005. Another good album. I don't like it as much as Let go and Proximity, but it is still a good album.

Just this year they released their newest album, Lucky.
So it goes to show that you might think something you like is gone for good, but it isn't always the truth. Feel free to check out Nada Surf, (I have some of their songs playing right now on my page!) and let me know what you think. And thanks for reading! (I am 3 for 3 this week...I must say, not too shabby!)
Hmmm, maybe I will come over and borrow them all. I'm definitely interested. And I know you'll let me cause you have certainly borrowed enough of my CD's. Sometimes even for years at a time.
Can't say I remember that video, but my memory isn't all that great these days :) I was thoroughly entertained by it, though. It just goes to prove how cool we all thought we were in high school :) I just read Lisa's blog...your little girls off to Kindergarten! How exciting!
I remember watching that video and Damon and Levi's house in Burbank. Great memories. That video is classic. And I have been digging Nada Surf again ever since I heard Blonde on Blonde on your blog. I need to get some more Nada Surf.
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