Saturday, July 19, 2008

Weekend Video...TIMES TWO!!

Some time last year I was emailed a video with 3 unicorns. I did not think it was going to be that funny, but we ended up quoting it at work for a long time. We even had a couple phones with the Charlie the Unicorn ring. Well, I had heard a rumor that Charlie the Unicorn part 2 had been released a few months back, but didn't think about it until tonight when I was setting up my weekend video. So the first video is the original Charlie the Unicorn video for those of you out there who have been living under rocks. And for those who have been living in the now, I have part two also. Yes, I know these are waaay out there, but I think they are hillarious. So enjoy them. And "carl" if you somehow Forrest Gumped you way back to my blog, you can enjoy them too. Have a good weekend my peeps.


Mike 'n' Cindy Brinkerhoff said...

Can't go wrong with a classic!!



Jan said...

No way am I ever going to candy mountain again. Too funny Donald.

SuzanSayz said...

Donald, I really wasn't as immpressed with the first one when you showed it to me months and months ago. It was okay but not anything I would ever want to watch again. So I didn't. The second one is just plain bad. It's pointless, not at all funny and way too long. I stuck with it hoping that something funny would happen, but nothing did. I know I'm not enjoying something when I find myself keeping an eye on the time counter downer. I was so relieved when ther was only a minute left and when it was down to 20 seconds I almost cried from relief. I know I am setting myself up for all kinds of razzing by you and Mike, so sorry to rain on your unicorn parade but I call them like I see them.

Yasmine said...

Hmmmm....There are no words.


Hunter happened to walk in and go, "Oh! Dancing Bananas!" but I was afraid to let him watch it because I thought something gross or dirty was going to happen. (I remember your bunny killing game.)

Anonymous said...


Mike 'n' Cindy Brinkerhoff said...

Susan, believe it or not, I won't razz you - I thought the second one was pretty lame too. The Charm of the first one was a one-time deal, I think.

Hey The Donald - TAG!! Six Words on You. (see my blog if you don't have a clue what I'm talking about)

Also, thank your wife for starting it!

bensfm said...

Gee, that was...different...

Mandi said...

Hey Donald......thanks for all your comments, just wanted to let you know youve been tagged - go to my blog to see!!!


Kelly said...

GAH, they took my freakin' kidney!


SkeenMachine said...
