Friday, September 26, 2008

A Weekend Video You Just Can't Miss!

Hippies are funny. Hippie tree huggers are even funnier. So what happens when they are hugging and crying over trees? Well...see for yourself. Words cannot describe it.

I can't take credit for finding this on my own. Thanks to Glenn Beck for letting me know about it via his daily newsletter. Every Glenn Beck fan needs his newsletter. You can sign up for it free right here.

Have a great weekend, and we Sorenson's hope to see you at our birthday bash for Elisabeth tomorrow!!


Kristen said...

LOL oh my gosh! Wow! I'm wiping the tears from my eyes I laughed so hard. I was trying so hard to control it too because Mike's on the phone with a job recruiter.

The parts I found the most hilarious were:
When the one girl said, "bring me to this rock that has incredible life. That makes me feel alive."

And when another girl (or maybe it was a guy, I can't tell for sure) said "...I felt outrage, but I didn't scream and I didn't cry and I need to...AAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!"

I can't wait to show this to Mike.

Jan said...

There are just no enough words. Except, if they keep this up, they will be occupied forever in them there hills.

My Three Sons said... How does one come to be in that emotional state over, well, trees? (let alone rocks!) You know all the stuff you hear about Berkley, that everyone EVERYONE has a cause. Well my sister went there for a business meeting a few weeks ago and she said the first thing she saw upon arriving on campus was a bunch of people tied to trees with signs that said "Save The Oaks" PRICELESS!

SuzanSayz said...

I don't know Donald. There seems to be something a little "Blair Witch Projecty" about the whole thing. Are you sure those weren't really paid actors? Like maybe this is a clip from Saturday Night Live? If it is for real and for true, those people sure have a lot bigger problem than throwing temper tantrums over trees.

Mitchellaus Copernicus said...

SNL Susan? As liberal as they are, even they wouldn't put out something this annoying. Kirk Cameron? Now I can picture him doing something like this, assuming he could take a break from his precious rapture videos.

Mandi said...

I are all deranged!!!!, for goodness sake - go do something for someone who can talk back to you.......if you want to make a difference, go sit with someone in a hospital, nursing home or anything else you can think of - yes, its terrible that we loose alot of native trees, but PLEASE>>>>>>>>

Do something productive if you want change - dont yell at no one, and do NOTHING!!!!

The Yancey Family said...

I saw this on Mitch's blog too, I just can't believe these people. There are starving children in the world, and they choose trees to be the most important victims. If you haven't already, watch the second video on Mitch's blog, it's a parody of this video and hilarious!

I got the NOBAMA sticker in the mail, it's already started some interesting conversations with people. Thanks!

Unknown said...

Is this for real? Seriously?

This would be funny if it weren't so stupid.

Anonymous said...

HAHA HOLY RHINOCEROS! this is EXACTLY what i needed. i'm really NOT crazy... these people are crazy. i laughed so hard my eyes were welling up. what the heck people?! i agree that its not right to cut down and clear areas of forest, HOWEVER... i would NEVER go out in the woods and scream and cry and tell them i love them. wow. do something productive people... stop banging your drum and wailing. SOME PEOPLE!!!! lol. too funny.